Pouring Art: Horizontal Swipe in Black and Glowing White Star in Red

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Pouring Art: Horizontal Swipe in Black and Glowing White Star in Red

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I made two new pouring paintings. You can also see the videos of these artworks in my Artsy Sister Tiktok and Youtube channels.

I hear that they are trying to ban Tiktok in the States. Let’s see how that goes.

Between you and me, I think Google and Facebook paid a lot to remove their competition.

Everything else is excuses, excuses. We all know everyone spies and everyone. To pretend to do otherwise, is to be hypocritical.

That is enough about the world. We came to talke about art. The first painting I added random colors before swiping it upwards with a cardboard paper.

I didn’t end up liking how it looked. So, I combed the paint to the sides. This is how it ended up looking.

In the second painting, I used a mold with lots of holes. I blew the paint on the edges to try to keep the white in the middle centered. I think it came out alright.


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