Pouring Art Moody Hues Art
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I did new pouring art. I hope that you find it amusing. I photographed both wet and dry versions. Depending on when you read this, the dry versions are not going to be up.
I need to let them dry for about a day. I dry them in the morning outside the house. The paints sometimes crack a little. I am cool with that now. I have this awful pouring paint that always makes a mess of everything.
So, I decided to use this paint to create interesting effects. So far, it has created interesting paintings and whatnot. I try my best as all. I need to get around to drawing a little more.
So far, I keep just making little random things here and there. It is hard to work up the energy to do much else. In any case, I am about done with this pouring art. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.