Purple Flowers

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Purple Flowers

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This is some cute flowers and the like. I do not know which types of flowers they are. There is way too many flowers out there to keep track of them. For a while, I have been desiring to get a book on flowers. However, I haven't much the bother with it. I do admire people who have the time to learn many different things. However, the time spent learning is time one could spend doing things. I never did quite believe in the whole Multi-tasking myth. People always think they can do many things at once. However, they are just stopping to do one thing before doing something else.

Well, I am drawing a bit of a blank, but I must try to write something meaningful and artsy. It has been a while since I studied new painters. There is a good number of painters that I like, which did not appear in any of the classes I took. The way they teach art classes is assuming that everyone is doing the same thing, at the same time. This was more jarring closer to the modern era. I did not like how they ignore the people still doing classical paintings. I like best the work of people that actually look like something. This is part of the reason why after the 19th century I stopped paying attention. 

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