Rose Bouquet

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Rose Bouquet

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As of now, I am waiting for the Nintendo to charge so I can play it on the big TV. We recently got a new video game. We ended up playing a lot of it. It is one of those little indie platformers. I think it is called Hollow Knight. You should check it out, it is only like 10 bucks.

It is interesting to see that there are creative games out there. As for the playstation, it has been a couple of centuries since we got a new game for it. I do not count Spyro because we had it for the PS1. Speaking of Spyro, I just hate the third part a lot. The game doubled down on the annoying aspects of the series.

I also do not like the speedways. They were far more interesting in the second and first part. Now that I think about it, this is not a gaming blog. I recently concluded my last front cover painting. Once the book gets published, I am going to show you how it came out.

I am not too certain about it. I think the one I made before was a lot better. Still, the book series is nearing its conclusion. I might not make the following books too long. I am going to continue with the gimmicky aspects of narration. I think I am not going to have a word of dialogue in the entire book. It might be a little hard around the edges.

Still, it is doable. One can just focus on the descriptions and the actions. It is all a matter of setting. I perhaps will do something completely different. There is also the narration style focusing on just dialogues. I suppose it might be called a play. I am not so gimmicky to dabble in that.

Still, one is hoping to get somewhere with things. As of now, I feel a tad bored and somewhat nauseous. It is just what one has to deal with when getting bored of the same food. It is not healthy to be bored of things. At least, I am eating well with the vegetables and the broccoli. I have slimmed down somewhat.

Part of the diet includes drinking Canadian dry instead of Coca Cola. I think Coca Cola is lying about its calories. I remember 10 years ago the bottle said 300 calories. Slowly, over the years they chipped away at the calories.

I think they were slowly lowering the number, but not changing anything on the actual product. By now, everyone buys that Coca Cola only has 125 calories per bottle. I ever the skeptic beg the differ. The proof is in the pudding, as the saying goes. You can tell if you feel yourself a little chubby around the edges.

If they lie about the main one, then you cannot trust diet colas. I never drank a diet cola that did not make me nauseous. You can tell right away the difference between one and the other. If you want a diet drink, just drink water. I think this is enough with my ramblings. For now, enjoy a lovely photo of a rose bouquet. I have been trying to read new books. So far, I have been reading Anthem.

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