Sad Anime Girl Sitting Down
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This is quite the cute anime drawing I made. It features a maiden resting on the floor. It is based on a pose I saw on a painting. I was practicing my poses. It is something useful to get into. People should study more classical works. By study, I mean just look at the old works over the top.
Just google anime paintings with a Greek theme. Some sketching of paintings might work as well. Classical painters in the old days used to do so. They went to museums to practice sketching. It was a lot cheaper than paying a person to model after them.
Still, sketching from life is useful as well. Other painters used to sketch from death. From time to time, you see some works with some realistic dead people. Some painters used to raid the local morgues or nuthouses for fresh bodies. Well, they were fresh by medieval standards.
Painters were just creepy dudes as all. I do not think it has changed much in the modern days. I think I am starting to sound a little bit creepy. I have not sketched from life in a long time. I used to sketch my classmates who were napping on top of the table. They were not useful as far as sketching subjects.
All in all, I avoided bothering people with my drawing practices. These days one can never be too careful. The camera is a useful tool for making drawings. If you see a person in a pose you like, just snap a quick picture. The beach is a good place for that sort of nonsense.
You get photos of people walking, running, or napping. I haven’t taken a good photo of beach people in centuries. This is because my family no longer goes to Miami Beach. The place stinks. It went downhill when the beaches became privatized. None of the hotels bother to clean their patch of sand.
It is only going to get worse as time passes. Now, there is high tide, with lots of water pollution. I would not go there anytime soon. I suppose you pay for what you get. I think this is about it as far as my nonsense goes. The takeaway message is to practice sketching and do not go to Miami Beach. I hope you like my new anime drawing.