Scary Cat Hears Something in the Woods Anime Kawaii Raw Page

cat, drawing, kawaii, markers -

Scary Cat Hears Something in the Woods Anime Kawaii Raw Page

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I was thinking of what to blog about, and then I thought of Scary Cat. There is a new book coming out. Hopefully, I will get it published before New Year. If not, at least I tried as all.

I have already mentioned something about it before. I even made a silly video about it. I included the video in this blog. I have been lately trying out the video blog stuff.

I am trying not to repeat themes too much. What is important is to keep it Fresh. The next volume of Scary Cat is about the girl starting school. The prospect of it even on normal circumstances is pretty scary.

Nobody likes to get outside their comfort zone. I really don’t see why folks are crying about schools closing. Considering the stupid things folks says as of lately, going to school has not helped Americans one bit.

You can take the horse to water, but you can’t make him drink. I think a lot less school will be good for the kids. I can laugh, and say this mainly cause I don’t have kids.

I have dolls. Dolls are fun. At least, the biggest change they exhibit is a discoloration in the Resin. I have not seen it as of yet, but the folks from the BJD Doll Addicts in Facebook talk about it from time to time.

I only started collecting bjd dolls when I moved to the new house. I am up to five, for now. I made a new stop motion video with the new doll. I have her do a bit of magic.

I had to put a lot of thought into each of the three magic tricks. As for the drawing, there is not too much to say about it. It is my cat Filipa scared in the woods. I drew silly faces on the trees, and leaves.

I thought it would make them look more Kawaii. I got a Kawaii book in order to design the character. She ended up being a mixture of Kawaii and Chibi. In any case, it looks cute enough.

Unlike the Chiblia, this book has semi realistic backgrounds with cute characters. All in all, I hope you find my Scary Cat book amusing. The tuxedo cat Filipa wanders about a bit, because kitties do that naturally.

I miss having a kitty cat. At the same time, I don’t miss it. Cats are an erratic element, almost as unpredictable as dogs. I think I am better off sticking to dolls. Dolls don’t scratch up the furniture.

As for the drawing itself, it was made with markers, a black fineliner pen and coloring pencils. The pen marks where done first. I first drew the scene with pencil, and then I refined the lines with pens before erasing it.

This allowed for a very clean drawing. I hope this information helps you in your artsy endeavors. I also hope you give the first volume of Scary Cat a chance.

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