Self Portrait: Julian Schnabel and Cindy Sherman Watercolor Painting

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Self Portrait: Julian Schnabel and Cindy Sherman Watercolor Painting

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I made two new watercolor artworks. I first drew the pencil art. I inked them, before adding watercolor.

The first painting was done Julian Schnabel style. Schnabel is an American painter and filmmaker. He is still alive and well.

 artsy sister, watercolor, self portrait

So, good for him. His style is Neo-Expressionism. It was interesting to make the fragmented style of this artwork.

I added a lot of black ink in order to achieve this effect. The painting that I was mimicking was called in Andy’s Shadow.

In my version, I am in the shadow of Julia. Julia is the name of my grandma. The second painting was done Cindy Sherman style.

 artsy sister, watercolor, self portrait teresita blanco

Sherman was an American painter, who mostly did photographic self-portraits. Instead of taking ap photo, I did a watercolor painting.

I made myself look like a clown. It was quite the fun to make me so hilariously looking. I think I ranted enough about my artworks.

I hope you like it. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

 artsy sister, watercolor self portrait, painting

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