Silly 360 Shot in the Florida Keys

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Silly 360 Shot in the Florida Keys

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It is interesting the kinds of things that most cameras can manage. Most people leave the camera on auto and call it quits. It is important for people to get acquainted with the little M for manual features of the camera. Most artificial intelligences are pretty foolish, seeing as thought they were programmed by very foolish people indeed.

Remember that Uber robot that ran over a pedestrian? Now the silly computer is like "I did not see the old woman coming". This goes to show that the US streets were not meant for pedestrians, when even a robot with 1000 cameras runs you over. It is not the first time I have seen motion sensors fail. Most of the accidents my family has avoided is because I sit in the back seat. I see them coming from a mile away. 

As for the photo, the fish restaurant in this photo no longer exists. Irma came and took all the boots and the flimsy boards. I am glad that I took a lot of photos of the place. Little did I know that this fish restaurant would be lost forever. 

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