South Florida Florals Photos

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South Florida Florals Photos

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Today, I wanted to do a little short blog about flowers.

artsy sister, rose flower, gardening

It has been a while since I posted new floral photography.

 artsy sister, gardening photos, rose bouquets

I take those photos either with my cellphone or my digital camera.

 artsy sister, gardening, flowers

If I see a cute flower, I am compelled to photograph it. It is kinda like my thing.

 artsy sister, garden, flowers decor

I also photograph floral bouquets I see in random places.

 artsy sister, gardening, yellow rose

I do not get out much. So, I try to make the most out of each excursion.

 artsy sister, gardening, flowers

Between all my drawing and writing projects, it is important to take a break now and again.

 artsy sister, key west, bike

One must make time to smell the flowers. I would like to have plenty of floral bouquets in my house.

 artsy sister, red flower bouquet, flowers

The problem is that I suffer from pollen allergies.

 artsy sister, gardening, flowers

It is a pity that something that I like is also the source of a lot of sneezing.

 artsy sister, garden, nature

Even if I cannot truly enjoy flowers in the real world, I can experience them through photographs.

 artsy sister, gardening, photos

Visual images are able to invoke in person different sensations.

 artsy sister, flowers, bouquets

When I see the photo of a rose, I am remembering the smell of it.

 artsy sister, cute flowers, nature

I can almost smell it again, just by looking at the photograph.

 artsy sister, gardening, berries

So, this is a sensory type of blog. I hope that the nice photographs I took invoke in you a pleasant emotion.

 artsy sister, yellow flowers, nature

I haven’t been able to update my garden in quite a long time.

 artsy sister, red rose, flowers

It has been raining and thundering nonstop in South Florida.

 artsy sister, cute flowers, flowers

Like I said before, it seems lie the monsoons arrived at South Florida.

 artsy sister, pink rose, flowers

The plants I do have there have been growing wild, especially the grass.

 artsy sister, flowers, gardening

My brother practically has to cut the grass on an almost daily basis.

 artsy sister, flowers, yellow rose, photos

I meant weekly basis. Our grass doesn’t grow that quickly. Can you imagine if it did?

 artsy sister, flowers, nature

What a mess it would be. In any case, I hope that you find my new floral photographs amusing.

 artsy sister, flower, photos

My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

 artsy sister, flowers, gardening

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