Strand in the Florida Keys Photo

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Strand in the Florida Keys Photo

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I took this photo while in the Florida Keys. I was just wandering through the streets when I saw this. I was just bored as all. I like Key West. There is plenty to see. Most people just go to the beach to take a repetitive photo. They also go to the landmark where it is only 80 miles to Cuba. A lot of Cuban folks go there to cry about spilled milk. I was never the sort of person to indulge in sentimentality. It is just about the only way to enjoy one’s life. The past is over, and let us go on with it. It has taken some time, but even my folk are subscribing to my frame of thinking. Then again, they could just be saying so to get me to talk about something else.

As of late, I have been working on publishing my latest book. I am just proofing the entire book. After a decent read, I will send it running. You can only look at the same thing so many times before one gets bored. I am always the type of person to look forward. I am always obsessing about the newest project I want to engage. I suppose I could say I am bit of a creative type. I was also somewhat impressed by the speed in which I learned watercolor. Once I got the logic of the paint, I was able to continue rather fast. Lately, I have been painting with a color wheel beside me. I even started doing a bit of light effects.

Illustrating light in a painting is always a bother. It is even worse when you have to illustrate low light. It is rather a hard task to perform with watercolor painting. I do my best, before continuing forward. As of now, we have been discussing ways to tackle certain problems. My brother and I wanted to watercolor the Chibi Apocalypse. However, we did not want to use the master line art. We have been thinking of buying watercolor paper and painting over it. It would certainly look pretty, with nice clear colors.

So far, I have only done this with the front cover of my books. I originally wanted to do chapter images. However, I got bored and decided to just do the front covers. My competition in Amazon is a bit thought. There is about 80,000 fantasy books. I am just adding a couple of grains of salt into the story. I suppose I should add the word fantasy in the title. Then again, I feel a bit cheesy doing so. For my stand alone books, I think I will add the genre into the title. Then again, I am not going to commit. Now back to the photo. I took it with my Fujifilm Finepix S1 camera.

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