Taiwan and its Wonderful Beaches

Taiwan and its Wonderful Beaches

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The best beaches of Asia can be found in Taiwan. Tourists can find the best climate during the months of June, July, August, September and October.

Each of the Taiwanese beaches varies greatly. Some have white or golden sand. Others have pitch black sand, which sparkle golden when the sun sets.

Aside from tourist resort beaches, visitors may go to some of Taiwan’s outlying islands. Those remote beaches have yet to develop tourist trade. Regardless, they look beautiful because of their remoteness and purity; ideal for the adventurous spirit.

The activities available in the Taiwanese beaches include the usual: diving, surfing, rafting, snorkeling, sailing, windsurfing, hand gliding, kayaking and fishing.

The Top 5 Taiwanese Beaches:

1.Baishawan Beach

The name of the Beach refers to the white sand.  It lies to the North of Taiwan, past the town of Sanzhi. The Beach has strong winds making it perfect for tourist who like hand gliding.  A subsection of the beach has a gravel beach called Linshanbi. This beach has interesting rock formations and hiking trails.

The Beach has clear blue water. Despite being a popular beach, Taiwan has not done any tourist development in the area. For that reason, tourists must bring their own equipment and supplies to the beach. The beach lies 40 minutes away from the Taiwanese capital at Taipei.

  1. Chinshan Beach

Chinshan beach has been a popular beach resort for families. Its golden sand; perfect for sunbathing and sand sculptures. Behind the beach, tourist will find a large recreation area. There families can go camping or do barbecues.

Chinshan also has hot springs resorts, some with hot-spring swimming pools. Aside from the beaches, the city of Chinshan has a lot interesting architectural sites, including the Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist monasteries.

Aside from the monasteries, tourist may visit Chin Pao Sand cemetery and the Ju Ming Museum.

Chin Pao Sand cemetery showcases abundant art, in addition to original works by Taiwanese sculptors. The cemetery also has sites dedicated to many religions; the most prominent being Christianity, Taoism and Buddhism.

The most visited gravesite belongs to Teresa Teng. It includes a life size statue, with an electronic keyboard set on the ground, which can be played by visitors who walk over it.

The Ju Ming Museum shows the work of the artist, Ju Ming. Ju Ming did mostly sculptures of mixed media.

3.Fulong Beach

Fulong beach has silky golden sand. The Shaungsi River runs parallel to the beach. Both act as tourist beach spots. A water bridge connects both beaches together. The size of the bridge varies from year to year.

Because of this dual nature, this makes Fulong Village a great tourist destination for those who like water games. Trains run daily between Fulong and Taipei.  

In the River, visitors may do cannoning and windsurfing. In the Fulong Beach, tourist can go on sailboats, canoes, and boogie boards. Visitors can also do camping in the Longmen Campground.  

In mid-July, the beach plays host to the Hohaiyan Rock Festival. This event usually lasts for 3 to 5 days. Aside from Taiwanese rock bands, this event includes rock concerts of bands from Canada, United States, England, Japan, ect.

During the Summer, this beach also hosts the Taiwn International Sand Sculpting Championship. People come from all over the world to see this amassing competition.

In the beach, tourist can find the Ling Jiou San Buddhist monastery.  This part of the beach belongs to the temple; making the entrance free to tourist. This Buddhist beach has no waves, but the water is warm and clean.

4.Waiao Beach

When visitors come to Waiao Beach in Yilen, they will notice its distinct black, volcanic sand. Aside from the black sand, this green mountains and unique sea eroded landforms cover the beach. This beach also offers a wide variety of fishes, making it perfect for snorkeling fanatics.

Aside from Snorkeling, this beach has large waves making it the ideal spot for surfers. It has both the large waves for experience surfers, and the kiddy ones for beginners.

According to anthropologists, the Taiwanese aboriginals were the progenitors of the Polynesian civilization which invented the sport of surfing.  Visitors can also meet Native English speaking surfing trainers.

A word of warning to surfers: This beach has no lifeguard. You can find plenty of warning signs in both Chinese and in English alerting visitors of that fact.

Aside from surfing, visitors can also fish squid, and other marine animals. Keep in mind, sometimes the poisonous puffer or blowfish winds up on shore, so watch your step. Also do if you catch one, don’t eat it.

Other activities include, camping, rock climbing, hiking, and jet skiing.

  1. Jibei Island

Not a lot of tourists know about Jubei Island. However, it is one of the most popular beaches for the Taiwanese natives. Its pale, golden sand extend for 1500 meters into the ocean, before breaking.

The island gets its name because it looks like the Chinese character Jubei, which means auspicious.

The Southside of the island, Baishawei Bach has fine, white sand. All its beaches offer many water activities, including snorkeling and diving.  This island also has many hidden coral reefs which a wide variety of marine life.

Aside from water related attractions Jubei Island is also home to the Wusheng Temple, made during the Ming Dynasty.

Stanford Professor arrested at LAX Airport

Gary Walter Cox, a political science professor from Stanford, was arrested at the Terminal for possessing a grenade. The grenade had no real power, rather it was a souvenir inherited by his late father.

According to Cox, his parents had died last year. He had flown to Los Angeles to gather his parent’s personal effects, in his old childhood home.

Among the things inside his luggage full of mementos was the Mk 2 grenade. Cox had no idea the grenade was even in the things he had taken. It took him a lot of time of looking at the screen before he realized he had a grenade in his personal effects.

Regardless of how much he argued, the police arrested for “possessing a destructive device in a public place”. After paying a half a million dollar bail, Cox was released from the Los Angele County Sheriff’s Department.

As far as Cox knew, the grenade was harmless. He had seen as a child his U.S. Navy father using the grenade as paper weight. The bomb squad defused the World War 2 antique grenade. In retrospect, Cox thought it was all the better, though he was annoyed by the felony charges.

This situation was not unique to Cox. Screeners have found grenades in luggage from Seattle, San Diego and Salt Lake City. According to the Transportation Security Administration, they find dead grenades in luggage on a weekly basis.

Travelers Beware: MERS Virus Circulating in the Middle East

Since May 2014, the MERS Virus has been circulating in the Middle East. Most of the cases have appeared in the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Lebanon and Qatar.

However, there have been a few scarce instances of the virus in Syria, Israel, Iraq and Iran.

According to the WHO, there have been 635 cases reported in the Middle East. The virus has been prevalent in the region of Umra and Hajj.  Travelers have gotten infected by Health Care Staff, Transportation, Tourist industries and in the Airports.

The WHO advice travelers to show proper hand and respiratory hygiene. They should also avoid uncooked food or food made under unsanitary conditions.

The MERS virus causes acute respiratory illness. The symptoms include fever, coughing, diarrhea, nausea, kidney failure and shortened breaths. Based on the WHO reports, one third of the people who have gotten the virus have died. The CDC still does not know exactly how the virus spreads.

The rest of the cases have appeared on tourist traveling to other countries. In the United States, there have only been two cases reported: one in Indiana and the other in Florida. Though doctors, who treated the MERS patients started showing symptoms. So far the infection remains contained.

The risk of infection in First World countries remains relatively low, due to high sanitary standards. Still, the travel related cases include: United Kingdom, France, Italy, Malaysia, Philippines, Greece, Egypt and the Netherlands.  

The CDC advice travelers to avoid medical facilities of the Arabian Peninsula.

London Heathrow Airport’s New Terminal 2 Welcomes Passengers

Today, Heathrow opened its new Terminal 2: The Queen’s Terminal to passengers. Since it’s new, for now it will operate on 10 percent capacity.

This was done due to the fiasco when the Terminal 5 was opened in 2008. In the first day, the staff could not find parking. Also, many got lost while wondering around the new system.  On that day, the airliner misplaced 15,000 bags which went to the wrong destination.

This slow opening will give the new workers a chance to get used to the new Terminal. So far, no problems have been reported.

Heathrow hopes this smooth opening will help them win the support they require to open a third runway and a new terminal.

They successfully received their first plane from United Airlines, coming from the city of Chicago.  As an added bonus, the staff greeted their first travelers while wearing Beefeater costumes.

For Wednesday, they have already scheduled 34 flights, which will take 6,000 passengers to their destination.  When the Terminal reaches its full capacity, it will have the power to perform 330 flights a day to 50 different destinations.

Aside from the flights, this terminal has 60 check-in gates, 66 self-check-in kiosks, 29 security lanes, 33 shops and 17 restaurants.  

According to United Airlines sales director Bob Schumacher, this Terminal is an important addition to the group he represents. He is confident the Terminal 2 and its improved facilities will increase customer satisfaction.

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