Teppanyaki Restaurant in Punta Cana's Bahia Principe

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Teppanyaki Restaurant in Punta Cana's Bahia Principe

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The photo features a guy cooking food in a Teppanyaki restaurant. This is a type of restaurant where you see the cook making the meals right in front of you. As he is making the food, he asks who wants vegetables or shrimps and then he cooks it. It was quite the interesting experience. The appetizers were actual sushi rolls. I think they came from Sushi Maki. All in all the food was well liked. I am not a big of a foodie. I am always careful with what I eat. The only thing I liked were the fried veggies. Everyone else ate everything. At the end, the guy cleaned the grill by setting it ablaze.

It was all entertaining to watch. There was some desserts. I ate a bit of fried ice cream. Fried ice cream is great. It's like ice cream, but it is fried with dough or something. The ball I ended up getting was rather small, but satisfactory. Most fried ice creams are made with vanilla. I dot know why they choose vanilla over chocolate. At least, this is good for me, because I do not like eating chocolate. So, if you are hanging out in Bahia Principe, make reservations for the Maiko restaurants. The reservation thing was pretty annoying.

Most of the restaurants were empty, and the reservation guy was being pretty lapse with the invitations. I guess there was not a lot of gourmet food to go about. The only good food was in the main buffet. This is just putting it lightly. Only the main dinner was passable. If you wanted to eat local food of the Dominican Republic, the nearest town had a bit of a favela feel to it. It is not the sort of place tourists would feel safe wandering about. Then again, you can get mugged pretty much anywhere. So, enjoy the food.

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