The Fourth Horsemen of the Apocalypse

anime, bible, chibi -

The Fourth Horsemen of the Apocalypse

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Artists tend to treat Apocalypse with a serious tone. It is the least popular book in the Bible. The whole brimstone and the odd imagery tends to keep people on edge. I myself found illustrating the last book of the Bible quite fun. As you may or may not know, I did a children's illustrated book of the Bible.

It is called the Chiblia. It was a hard project because I had to keep a lot of odd things of the Bible, rated E. This panel featuring the last horsemen is a perfect example of how I went about it. It certainly goes to show that anything can look friendly, if drawn in chibi style. 

The panel itself is in its lineart stage. I still have to add color to the rest of the Bible. I also need to add text too. I had originally designed it as a wordless Bible. However, my publisher suggested I add words to it. So, in theory, you can get the gist of the action by just looking at the panels. 

The panel shows one of the fourth seal of the apocalypse. Usually, the fourth is depicted as one horseman, but there were actually two ridding the same horse. One was the kill all the grain, and the other 1/4 of the entire population of the world. 

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