The Noble Seagull

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The Noble Seagull

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The Noble seagull one of the most photographed birds in the planet. Everyone in the world has possibly at least a dozen or so seagull photos. Here is my best photo of he seagull. Aside from pigeons, seagulls enjoy a timeless popularity. I do not know why people are fascinated by seagulls. Then again, seagulls go hand in hand with the ocean scene. People don't feel like they went to the beach without photographing seagulls, or feeding them. 

It certainly removes their incentive to hunt. Then again, humans has practically fished out their prey. The least they can do is feed the seagulls. There was only one place were I did not see seagulls by the beach. It was in the Barceló in Mexico. The hotel had a lot of falconers keeping the beach seagull free. I do not know why they hate the silly birds. I guess it must have something to do with the poop. 

Still, people don't know that sand is actually the parrot fish's poop. They eat the corals and poop out sand. The whiter the sand, the higher concentration of poop. So just think about that before you sit your toddler on the sand. Sorry for ruining sand for everyone. I am not a big fan of sand. It always burns the soles of my feet. 

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