The Rest of my Old Yugioh Fan Arts

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The Rest of my Old Yugioh Fan Arts

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Today, I wanted to show you the rest of my Yugioh FanArts. They were all made in High School.

Back then, the worst thing you had to worry about was getting your homework done. I have fond memories of my time in High School.

artsy sister, yugioh fan art, drawings

Barbara Goleman was a pretty mellowed out type of school. It paled in comparison to Richmond High Middle School.

Middle School just seems to bring out the worse in people. I am not going to bore you with the past. I much rather focus on the positive.

 artsy sister, yugioh drawing, drawing

If one focus on the negatives, it is easy to fall into despair. This brings me back to my Yugioh fanarts. I watched the show when it was new.

There was a short Egyptian revival in the 90s and early 2000s. Every time, I would turn on the television I would see Yugioh, the Mummy or Mummies Alive.

 artsy sister, yugioh, slizer the sky dragon

I don’t know folks' fascination with Ancient Egypt. Then again, the Ancient Egyptians have a good fashion sense, and plenty of cool lore.

They can be the jumping off point for any series. Yugioh these days has left in the dust its ancient Egyptian roots.

 artsy sister, performance of swords, yugioh cards

This is more of a pity. It used to make the show special. I always found it amusing that Seto Kiba reacted like a normal person to all the weirdness.

He served as a good dramatic foil to all the characters that accepted the magic stuff.

 anime girl, drawing, artsy sister

If I was Kiba, I would be worried about Hallucinating Dragons all the time. Then again, he did have a stressful job, and a terrible childhood.

It makes sense that his sanity would be slipping over the years. The fanarts are just pencil versions of Yugioh Cards.

 artsy sister, dragon, yugioh

They were good for practicing shading. It is amassing how much patience I had back in the day.

 artsy sister, anime drawing, yugioh cards

I had a limited budget to buy Yugioh cards, but I was able to form a rudimentary deck, based on Charmers and the Ritual Monster Performance of Sword.

 artsy sister, yugioh drawing, drawings

Over the years, the Yugioh rules have become more, and more complicated.

 artsy sister, anime drawing, yugioh cards

With so many cards, there are endless possibilities for creating terrible decks. 

 artsy sister, yugioh cards, anime drawing

I think this is about it as far as my nonsense is concerned. I hope you like my old Yugioh Drawings.

 artsy sister, yugioh cards, drawing

This is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, and bye and God bless.  

 artsy sister, anime drawing, sketches

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