Three Mixed Media Landscape Art

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Three Mixed Media Landscape Art

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I made three mixed media landscapes. I used watercolors, crayons and coloring pencils. I used Marabu Landscape liquid and landscape bundles. From these sets, I made use of the crayons, coloring pencils, ink bottles and brushes.

The brushes I first filled with water. I then dipped them in the ink a little bit, before painting. By squeezing the brushes, you add more water to the tip. This saves you the trouble of having to dip the pen every so often.

It is time to talk about each artwork in specific. The first thing I painted was a forest. I started by drawing the basic background colors. I painted the sky and hints of the clouds.

I added leaves in the middle. With that out of the way, I started with the ground. I used watercolor inks for these background elements. The lavender floor was draw with coloring pencils.

I would dip those pencils in water, before drawing. They are watercolor pencils. By watering the pencils, I got a more refined application of color. The trees were drawing with crayons.

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I added the base colors of the threes. I then passed a wet brush over them in order to get rid of the crayon texture. It isn’t so much as gone. It is just a lot smoother.

Lastly, I added more leaves and grass in the background with coloring pencils. The second painting was a mountain. I painted the sky first before getting started on the mountain.

I delineated the shapes with watercolors inks. The rough texture was added with coloring pencils and markers. The final painting was a seascape. I painted the ocean first. I then painted the sky.

I left white the areas where the clouds should be. In the foreground, I drew seashells and a starfish. Both were drawn with a combination of crayons, pencils and watercolors.

Since they were foreground elements, they required a little bit of more details. A blog can only teach you so much. If you want to see how I made these artworks, there is a video in both my Artsy Sister Youtube and Tiktok Channels. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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