Tiny Island near the Florida Keys

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Tiny Island near the Florida Keys

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All around the Keys, there are these little islands. People used to go to them for fun. Now, most of the lot are deserted. In part, because all the trees look dead. They were badly flooded during Hurricane Irma, as you can imagine. It has been almost two years and they look like this one. A couple even seem like they were permanently inhabited by humans. One used to have a little house on the center, but now it is no longer there.

This one still looks like it has some human people living there. You can see the tiny port, the house in the middle and the boat. Can you imagine what it was like for a fellow to pass a Hurricane there? Then again, the person was probably smart and left for the mainland. I am just making up a story based on this photo. I normally just pass by places and not think much on it. It is the photos that allow me to actually give some thought to the places I visited.

Photos are a good memory device. When people see a photo, they start remembering a little. This does not apply to people who got drunk and stuff. When they look at the photos, nothing works at all. Then again, I am just speculating. As of lately, I was looking through stuff to get new art supplies. As of now, I am working on getting new acrylic and watercolor. I am still not trying out oil painting. I find it annoying that it takes forever to dry. I am still working up the energy to try it. Most people in the old days used to like oil painting. It was said to be quite the forgiving medium. I do not know how long acrylics truly last. Acrylics have only been around for a couple of years.

Watercolor is also dandy as well. I have been working with watercolors for quite a bit. I use them to make the front cover for my fantasy books. It has nice opaque colors. It keeps the colors nice indeed, with everything in its place. Aside from watercolors, I wanted to get a larger set of acrylics. I wanted more different colors and the like. I am not big on mixing my colors. I can never get the color I wanted. Mainly, I wanted to have rose pink. I tend to use pink a lot in my regular drawings. I am always finding an excuse to add pink to something.

It is my favorite color. Aside from pink, I also like yellow, followed by crimson, then lavender and ending on cyan. Needless to say, I like almost the entire spectrum aside from green. I only do green to compliment the other colors. The rest of the time, I only use it for forests. This is about it and the like. I took the photo with my Fujifilm Finepix camera. I want to return to the Florida Keys one of these days. As of now, I am working on doing a bit on working on publishing my new books. Chicot is now being published. The next one is Lamina.

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