Twelve Wired Bop Ballerina Anime Drawing
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The xmas season is over as all. Soon, it will be New Years. I never get too exited about it. It is not as if there is a lot of money to spend on nonsense. There is even less number of people who consider us friends, who will give us goodies. This year we did not spent it alone in our house.
We went to a place were we have always been considered a charity case. We get no respect whatsoever. All we see are just dark shadows, and faces of hypocrites. There are only two exceptions to this rule. The lady and the man of the house have always treated us with kindness.
His kids all turned out to be hypocrites. I suppose it is nothing new in the world as all. I rarely met a person who was honest. Honesty is just the thing one has, till one learns to lie and pretend. Still, people are not as good as pretenders as they imagine. This is why the house in Vegas always wins.
I was planning on taking a break from the website, but I do not have another serious to do at the moment, so what the hell? The sales were more or less decent. I made 40 bucks. It is a long uphill battle, that is for certain. Well, for the time being, I hope you like my new anime drawing of mine. It is based on a silly bird of paradise or something. The dress is usually worn by ballerina dancers.