Vampire Goth BJD Doll in Silver Black Ensemble

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Vampire Goth BJD Doll in Silver Black Ensemble

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I was a little bored. So, I decided to photograph my little vampire doll. She looks so cool in her nice outfit. The cape is Doll Chateau.

The outfit is Dollmore. Both outfits do compliment each other well. She looks positively cool in that get up. The blue wig goes well with her goth look. The doll needed a bit of blue to go with her eyes.     

Now, everything compliments one another. She has quite the silly sharp hands. It is quite the joy to look for cool outfits for the doll. Her face is a bit gender neutral.

So, depending on the wig, she sometimes looks like a guy. That works all well and good. This allows me to be more flexible with her photoshoot.  

It is a good thing when everything looks cool on you. I took a decent number of photos in various poses. I tried to keep them nice and fresh.

I also made a video for my Artsy Sister Youtube channel. Please do give a like and subscribe. My name is Teresita Blanco, the Artsy Sister. Bye, bye and God bless.

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