Walking Anime Girl in Green

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Walking Anime Girl in Green

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Yesterday, my peep finally arrived home. We went to a new restaurant to celebrate. He told us of a lot of silly things that happened in Orlando. I will not go into detail about it, because it is his life as all. People got to respect other people’s life, you know. As far as the food was concerned, I ate a really happy Sandwich. It had a very thin slice of chicken breast, with lettuce and tomatoes.

Cutting meat thin is always a plus, as far as I am concerned. It is also useful for keeping the food cooked. I was never the sort of fellow that liked to eat raw food. We learned to cook food for a reason. It is useful for killing all sorts of bacteria and germs. I am not a type of doctor as all. This is just a little something called common sense.

A lot of people could use a bit of that. Despite being called common. This sense is one that very few people truly have. Anyhow, I also tried a bit of caramel cheesecake. The cheesecake was a little too warm and solid for my taste. I think I am going to eat flan in the next time I visit. It is interesting to note just how I type. It is not the normal way of going about it.

Still, I do certainly get a lot done. I developed such a bizarre way of typing due to my small laptop. If I think about it. It starts getting just a little worse. It is just like breathing. If you pay too much attention to it, it starts becoming annoying as all. Then again, if you have not learned to type after 8 books, then you will never learn.

Like I said before, I have been working on translating my first two published books to Spanish. The Chiblia is also translated to all the languages. In part, it is because the book doesn’t come with any writing inside of it. It might be a little hard to explain to that to the general audience. I suppose the best way to go about it is not to put any titles on it. It is just a plain looking book, with no writing on it.

Then again, most books need writing in order for them to be found online. I suppose I need to write a Spanish portion for the book and rename the title La Chiblia, instead of The Chiblia. Technically, it is a bit of a Spanglish. The blia portion refers to Biblia. It is how the Spanish Bible is called. If it was in English, it would have been called The Chible. We chose Chiblia because we read a Spanish Bible to make the book.

artsy sister,anime girl,anime drawing

If you folks don’t know, a lot of things are lost in translation. The main English Bible is a protestant Bible. It was ordered to be made by King James. The Spanish one is the Catholic Bible. I personally prefer the Spanish version. It doesn’t have archaic words. It also wasn’t edited to sound like a Shakespearean book. The English one is designed to be a bit of a tough read, with the translator taking too many liberties. I learned about this while at University.

I was taking a Gnosticism class, with a Catholic teacher. She is currently part of a movement to change the Catholic church from within. Given enough time, we might have the office of the widows restore. They were lightly mentioned in the letters of Paul. Historically, they were competing for power with the Bishops. It is for this reason that digging up the genuine article is important. The Bible was edited a lot over the course of 2000 years. The older the Bible, the closer it is to the true word of Jesus.

By and by, there is actually like 30 something gospels. Most of them did not make it to the main Bible. It would be fun to dig them up and see what all the fuzz is about. This little suggestion is only for those who have a bit of an open mind. If you think it will shake your core beliefs, then do not bother with them. I do not want to make an enemy out of you, by being all theological. Just remember that my Journalism focus was on Religious Studies.

I took way too many classes related to that matter. I have all that information just rolling around the old noggin. It is important to air it out every once in a while. Moving along, the anime girl was drawn on a leda art supply sketchbook. The pens used to draw the lines were Morris Bamboo, Staedtler, and Prismacolor. The pencils used to draw her are Royal and Langnickel, Derwent and Art 101. Lastly, we have the ever reliable pentel eraser. I never bother to draw anything without it.

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