Watercolor Front Cover I Painted

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Watercolor Front Cover I Painted

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Recently, I made this cute front cover for one of my books. I painted it with watercolor and the lines were done with ink. The ink I chose came from my Sakura Pigma Micron watercolor pens. As for the Watercolors, they came from US art supply. The scene shows my protagonist dancing. The columns are from the castle. It took me about two days to complete the painting. I used to do a bit of Watercolor in High School. It is interesting to revisit a skill you have not used in decades.

It is good to see that I still half remember how to go about it. This is just about my first watercolor painting in a long time. I did the lines with the pen, because I like clean edges. The book I wrote like 8 years ago. I am just about almost done with the series. It is one of those scenarios were you got too big for your own bridges. Anyhow, as for the dress of the girl, I found an interesting design. The original was blue and lot older.

I modernized it a bit. I thought it came out rather decently. The dance they are doing is just waltz. The pose is quite classical and the like. I did the whole darker background, lighter foreground thing in order to make the couple stand out. The opposite also works as well, if you are into compositions and arrangements.  There really isn't much to tell about the painting itself. I kept it as simple as possible. I hope you found this remotely humoring. I am just mostly drawing a blank and the like. 

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