Who Wore it Better? ¼ BJD Doll Dress Edition

Who Wore it Better? ¼ BJD Doll Dress Edition

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I wanted to do something a little different for the dolly blog of the week. I chose 4 bjd dolls who will compete with one another to see who wears the dress the best.

 artsy sister, who wore it best, ballerina dress

The one who gets the most points wins bragging rights. In this blog, I have no way of keeping track of your answers. I might post this same question in my social media.

Once, I get proper results, I will do an update on this blog, to tell you how it went. Anyhow, I chose 8 dresses in Total. The participants were chosen based on their height, and body type.

artsy sister, bjd dress, cute

As long as they managed to fit in the dress, they qualified to compete in this made-up game of mine. I took a photo of the doll front and back. This will help the reader properly gage if the dress suits her well, or not.

In the photoshoot, I did not use any shoes or Successories. I wanted to let the dress speak for itself. The wigs I kept them short, so that they did not distract the viewer from the dress.

The participants are Inanis, Candice, Bebe and Odette. They are all in order of appearances, in order to avoid confusion. Inanis is the cat doll. Candice is the vampire ghost doll. Bebe is the chubby one and Odette is the ballerina doll. I hope you have fun deciding who wears it best.

 artsy sister, bjd , dolls

A. Inanis - Red Panther Dress 

 artsy sister, bjd doll, who wore it better

B. Candice - Red Panther Dress 

 artsy sister, bjd doll, who wore it better

C. Bebe - Red Panther Dress 

 artsy sister, bjd doll, who wore it better

D. Odette - Red Panther Dress 

 artsy sister, ballerina bjd, who wore it better

A. Inanis - White Swan Ballerina Dress

 artsy sister, ballerina bjd, who wore it better

B. Candice - White Swan Ballerina Dress

 artsy sister, bjd doll, who wore it better

C. Bebe - White Swan Ballerina Dress

 artsy sister, ballerina bjd, who wore it better

D. Odette - White Swan Ballerina Dress

 artsy sister, bjd, who wore it better

A. Inanis - Blue Kawaii Nekomimi Dress

 artsy sister, bjd, who wore it better

B. Candice- Blue Kawaii Nekomimi Dress

 artsy sister, bjd, who wore it better

C. Bebe- Blue Kawaii Nekomimi Dress

 artsy sister, bjd, cute

D. Odette - Blue Kawaii Nekomimi Dress

 artsy sister, black dress, who wore it better

A. Inanis - Black Dress

 artsy sister, cute, who wore it better

B. Candice - Black Dress

 artsy sister, black dress, who wore it better

C. Bebe - Black Dress

 artsy sister, black dress, who wore it better

D. Odette - Black Dress

 artsy sister, bjd, maid uniform

A. Inanis - Maid Uniform

 artsy sister, maid uniform, who wore it better

B. Candice - Maid Uniform

artsy sister, bjd, who wore it better

C. Bebe - Maid Uniform

 artsy sister, bjd doll, who wore it better

D. Odette - Maid Uniform

artsy sister, bjd doll, inanis 

A. Inanis - Lingerie 

 artsy sister, bjd doll, cute

B. Candice - Lingerie 

 artsy sister, bjd, who wore it better

C. Bebe - Lingerie 

 artsy sister, bjd, who wore it better

D. Odette - Lingerie 

 artsy sister, bjd, cupcake dress

A. Inanis -Cupcake Dress

 artsy sister, bjd, cupcake dress

B. Candice -Cupcake Dress

 artsy sister, bjd, cute

C. Bebe - Cupcake Dress

 artsy sister, bjd, cute

D. Odette - Cupcake Dress

 artsy sister, inanis bjd, bjd dolls

A. Inanis - Sepia Dress

 artsy sister, bjd, dolls

B. Candice - Sepia Dress

 artsy sister, bjd, cute

C. Bebe - Sepia Dress

 artsy sister, bjd, cute

D. Odette - Sepia Dress

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