Work in Process: Anime Landscape

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Work in Process: Anime Landscape

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This is just about one of my many works in process. I have been thinking of coloring it up a  bit. It features a landscape at night in a fantasy world of mine. It took a bit of time to do the lineart. As of now, I have been working on the colors. I waited a while between the making of this picture, and the book and now I do not remember the actual colors of the flowers I was referencing. I know they were all blue and purple. Still, the stems were not of the same color. I also do not want to paint them all the same color green, and then be wrong about it. I thought well on them, but then I stopped thinking about them. One should not wait that long between the line art and the coloring. Then again, I was going to draw it in black and white. Oh! Well, sunrise and sunset. As of now, we are spending another mellowed out day.

We were going to travel and whatever, but we ended up staying at home in the end. So far, we have spent a comfortable vacation. We never do bother to travel without mother being on vacation. It is mean to go to places without a core family member. There are some exceptions to this rule. My brother is going to go with his girl to Disneyland or something like that. The maiden has not gone there since she was little. Like most maidens, she wants to see the Harry Potter stuff. I went there myself last year, during New Year. The place was a bit too bleak for my taste. They were using the aesthetics of the last movie. Harry Potter started bright and cherry, but then the scenery got really dark. Eventually, it was black buildings, with black roads under a black sky. There was very little lighting on most scenes. When it was morning, they used the blue filters a lot.

Most movies today have pretty bad illumination. They also go crazy with the blue filter. I studied filters when I was taking photography. Blue colors tend to make the image look cold. People do not like cold looking images. The orange filter, will make the images look warm. People like warm looking images. Most horror movies use the blue filter. Meanwhile, all zappy romances use orange and yellow filters. It is interesting how an entire image can changed, with just one overall layer of color. The filters are noticeable when you look at something that should look white. If it has any slight tint, then it has one of those photo filters. Filters can be added with a lens or with a computer program. Some cameras come with built in programs, that add the filter automatically. Others rely on the good old fashion lens. Keep these two things in mind when making movies or when you fudge around with photos. I suppose this is just about everything. The line art was made with a Strathmore mixed media paper. I then used my paper mate mechanical pencils to do the line art. I then traced over it with my sakura and my prismacolor pens. I then erased the pencil lines with my pentel eraser. I hope you find this information useful.

mixed media,artsy sister,art supplies

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