Work in Process: Painted Matryoshka

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Work in Process: Painted Matryoshka

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A day ago arrived one of my birthdate gifts. It was a set of unpainted matryoshka. I asked for it, because I was in the mood of changing it up a bit. I normally like to paint whatever. When I was growing up, I had a set of matryoshka doll. They are a type of nesting doll. Each one fitted inside the other. It was somewhat humoring fitting the doll around. I suppose there isn’t much to do or say about it. I am currently washing a boring Netflix documentary. Since it set for Spanish, whenever a word is said it breaks my concentration. I am just really bored and the like. I wish I was seeing something a little less educational. I frankly do not care about the subject matter at all. The thing froze just now, so we can finally see something else. I always have a bit of a bone to pick with most organized religions. Mostly, it is how they threat women as the punchline for most of their problems. I suppose there are some things that cannot be helped. We live in a world of douches, who are organized.

As of now, I have not gone to church in like forever. Since I have good memory, all the sermons started to run together. The Bible is like a really fat book, and yet in church they only read like 1 percent. Most of the books chosen are just to reinforce, established doctrines. Then again, if they diversify their reading, inconsistencies would pop up. People would realize that a lot of the books of the Bible contradict one another. Most churches rely on the laziness of their followers. I could go on about it, but I am not in that particular mood. As a chick, none of what I say matters as far as established religious books are concerned. Why am I talking about this again? I now remember, it is because of that stupid, boring documentary was watching. These days I am seeing a lot of operated chicks. They all look like clones of one another. Most of them I think look really terrible, with their ugly plastic surgeries. It is like you paid that much money and ended up looking like that. This is a lot more common in TV news. All the maidens are operated one way or another. I suppose it was the thing they had to do to maintain their job, as far as their manager is concerned.

As you may have noticed, I am still in my vacation week. While people celebrate a birthdate, my family does a birthdate week. It is usually the time people have to tolerate our nonsense till we get back to normal. Anyhow, back to my little wooden project. The nesting dolls came inside one another. However, one had a stress crack that was noticeable when we opened it. Also, when we tried to close the dolls, they would get stuck or some something like it. I tried sanding it, and it did not make things easier. In the end, I called it quits and decided to just paint it closed and not worry about opening the nesting doll. This is what I get for buying one from China, instead of Russia. To start the painting job, I first did a layer of Titanium white. I always do so, whenever painting in wooden surfaces. I then drew with pencil, the doll design. I then painted it with my lamp black paint. This is just about all I managed to complete for the time being. The paint is from Daler Rowney and from US Art supply.  


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