Flock of Tourists in Key West
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This is just another one of my many Key West photos. I do not like making large image blogs. I am just stretching out these photos till doomsday. As of lately, we have not done anything remotely interesting. We are just chilling at home because it is Black Friday. We are not big consumers. We get things as the need arises. This is all well noted in the furniture of our houses. We tend to see a lot of remodeling shows. It is for this reason that we ended up getting metal looking furniture, with sleek designs. So, we have modern furniture with a pretty old looking house. The house itself was somewhat remodeled. As the months pass, we make our own little upgrades.
The most recent of these upgrades was the kitchen. We did it all from scratch. We even changed a couple of the walls to. This minor change alone lowered our air conditioner bill. A bad wall was causing the air to escape. It is all good now. With all homes, you discover many different things. The last time we did a remodeling was in our old apparent. We left the guy alone to work. We are not making that same mistake again. When the chumps worked in the new house, we would check in on their work from time to time. Only fools blindly trust in others. Even when the fellows were doing fine, they left a couple of tiny holes we plugged ourselves. We are trying to do the impossible. We have a dream of making a roach proof home. Anyone who is a home owner knows just how impossible it is. Still, we have to try.
As we look through the house. We find new entry points and we seal them up. It is going to take a couple of years, but we are going to make it. If not, we at least have Boric Acid. It keeps the roach problems down to a bare minimum. It gets a lot worse when it rains or when a neighbor sprays for bugs. The roaches move from one house and then go to another. We usually find them slowly migrating to our house at night. It is just the sort of thing one has to put up with a yard. I do not know if cement constructions have the same problem. I can only speculate. In our old apartment we did managed to make it roach proof. One day, we just stopped seeing the critters. We ended up moving because of space and noise issues. One day, a douche started remodeling his apartment. This caused the other neighbors to do the same.
Since we only had one home, we had to just sit there and take it. It got so bad that we felt the sound inside our teeth. The biggest douche was the old hag who lived below us. She was always accusing us of having leak. In the end, it was the guy who lived next to us who was the culprit. She was the reason why we sold our apartment when we got the house. Another reason was that according to math, money now is more valuable than money later. My brother took a class and everything. Money in the future fluctuates a lot. You have no guarantee that your future bucks will not be devalued. As such, it is always better to have a lot now, than later. Being debt free also helps a lot too. We have been leaving peachy ever since we cleared all of our credit cards. I will not tell you how to live your life. Just do as you will and good look.